極小および超低出生体重児の社会的コミュニケーション行動に関する研究 : ESCS : Early Social Communication Scale を用いた標準体重児群との比較検証

DOI HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス
  • 中島 俊思
    浜松医科大学子どものこころの発達研究センター | 九州大学大学院人間環境学府附属総合臨床心理センター研究員
  • 福留 留美


  • Social communication behavior of extreme low birth weight (ELBW)
  • キョクショウ オヨビ チョウテイシュッショウ タイジュウジ ノ シャカイテキ コミュニケーション コウドウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ ESCS Early Social Communication Scale オ モチイタ ヒョウジュン タイジュウジグン ト ノ ヒカク ケンショウ
  • very low birth weight (VLBW) infants : Comparison to normal-birth-weight infants using Early Social Communication Scale (ESCS).



Extremevery Low-Birth-Weight (LBW) infants are developmentally at high-risk due to various vulnerabilities. This study compared seven 20-month-old LBW infants to 13 normal birth weight infants (control) using the Early Social Communication Scale (ESCS), a schale of the Joint Attention (JA) behavior as an indicator of social development. LBW infants scored significantly lower in the areas of "Initiating JA" and "Responding JA", indicating that they used less eye-contact to share their own interests with others and also less rsponded to interactive signals from others when compared to normal control. In contrast, there were no significant differenecs in the areas of "Initiating Request Behavior" and "Responding to Social Interaction" at this time, although these two areas scored significantly lower than normal control at the age of 12 months. The developmental change of social communication on LBW infants and the clinical importance of the JA behavior were discussed.


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