外国人「生活者」のための日本語教育と多文化理解教育の現状と課題 : 伊都地区から考える多文化化する地域における社会連携モデルの模索

DOI HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス
  • 松永 典子
  • 麻生 迪子
  • 季 江静
  • 永嶋 洋一
  • 新井 克之


  • Current Situation and Problems involving Education for Learning Japanese Language and Understanding Multiculturalism for Foreigners : Finding a social cooperation model in multiculturalized city through a case study of Ito District
  • ガイコクジン 「 セイカツシャ 」 ノ タメ ノ ニホンゴ キョウイク ト タブンカ リカイ キョウイク ノ ゲンジョウ ト カダイ : イト チク カラ カンガエル タブンカカ スル チイキ ニ オケル シャカイ レンケイ モデル ノ モサク



Compare to other prefectures in Japan, Fukuoka is considered to be a prefecture with a high number of foreign students. Especially, there has been an growing number of foreign students in Ito District, where Kyushu University Ito campus is located. Apparently, from 10 years ago, the number of foreigners with Japanese government's Alien Registration Card has been increased by twofold. It may have been affected by the relocation of Kyushu University campus to Ito in 2005. Our research group felt the needs to facilitate education to learn Japanese language and understand multiculturalism, which would lead to cooperation with a regional society. In this research, by organizing a discourse on “coexistence of multiculturalism” and preexisting cases, the present situation and problems regarding the surrounding area of Ito campus will be clarified. Then, this research would introduce classes for understanding multiculturalism in Kyushu University Ito campus. Also, in order to find out an effective way to teach Japanese language, it would focus on adequate level of language skill for foreigners by observing case studies on foreign students and Japanese war orphans repatriated from China. Through this research, we would like to consider how the university and area around Ito campus should get involved in education for foreigners to learn Japanese language and understand multiculturalism.


  • 比較社会文化

    比較社会文化 18 9-23, 2012-03-20


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