後悔の源泉 : 後悔を発生させる出来事の特性の検討

DOI HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • The source of regret : The attributes of events with regret
  • コウカイ ノ ゲンセン : コウカイ オ ハッセイ サセル デキゴト ノ トクセイ ノ ケントウ



The purpose of this study was to examine the attributes of events people feel regrets afterwards. Although previous studies provided limitation for recalling of regretful events, this study asked subjects to describe freely the regretful events in order to inquire into attributes of regretful experiences. Questionnaires with free-writing answer were administered to 273 subjects of Japanese undergraduates. The results were as follows : (1) People represented past regretful events more often than recent ones. (2) Actions accompanied with regrets were stemmed from hesitation at the time of decision, and inactions were from lack of deliberation on the decision. (3) People felt regrets when, self-image was conscious of other person or was threatened in relation to other person. Based on these findings, the sources of regrets was discussed from the viewpoint of the ideal self. Finally, the needs for future research were suggested.


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