二〇〇〇年以降の大江健三郎文学と莫言文学の対比研究 : グロテスク・リアリズムを視座として

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  • Xu Han
    Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University : PhD

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  • ニ〇〇〇ネン イコウ ノ オオエケンサブロウ ブンガク ト バクゲンブンガク ノ タイヒ ケンキュウ : グロテスク ・ リアリズム オ シザ ト シテ

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In 1994 Kenzaburo Oe referred to Mo Yan in his Noble literature award ceremony speech and since then it has been said that the two writers share the same techniques of expression of grotesque realism in their literary creations. It is quite clear that the same characteristics also can be found in their works after 2000. By employing the notion of the 'principle of the physical and carnal', the central definition of grotesque realism in Mikhail Bakhtin's theory, which features among other things the 'downgrading of the noble', 'dualism of value', this essay focuses on a comparison of the application of grotesque realism in the two writers' works after 2000.


  • Comparatio

    Comparatio 17 83-93, 2013-12-28

    Society of Comparative Cultural Studies, Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University

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