唐代園林連作詩考 : 王維「輞川集」を源として

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  • A Study of a Series of Garden Poems in Tang Dynasty --Wang Wei's Wangchuan ji and its Following Works
  • トウダイエンリン レンサクシコウ : オウイ 「 モウガワシュウ 」 オ ミナモト ト シテ
  • トウダイエンリン連サクシコウ : オウイ 「 モウガワシュウ 」 オ ミナモト ト シテ



Wang Wei's 王維 Wangchuan ji 輞川集 is a series of poems written in pentasyllabic quatrains that describe the various sites around his villa. In the mid-Tang period, considerable number of works were written that were similar to, or that imitated Wangchuan ji's style. This essay focuses on Wangchuan ji and its following works, considers their situations and theme, and delineates their changing expression. Wangchuan ji has two remarkable characteristics. First, it has strong intention of producing the whole garden's design. Second, while Wang Wei's works which were written in collaboration with his special friend Pei Di acquired the quality of "chang he shi" (唱和詩 sung in harmony), Wangchuan ji has a closed, exclusive mood. Although the works following it are similar to Wangchuan ji in style, these two characteristics do not appear in these works. Qian Qi 錢起, a much younger friend of Wang Wei, wrote Lan tian xi za yong er shi er shou 藍田溪雜詠二十二首. While the style of this work is obviously influenced by that of Wangchuan ji, his poems do not intend to produce the whole garden's design, which is a remarkable characteristic of Wangchuan ji. His poem's title "za yong" 雜詠 means "a poem that comprises various kinds of themes", Qian Qi's poems include a lot of "yong-wu shi" 詠物詩, showing active perception of his feelings, which Wangchuan ji does not describe. In the latter half of the mid-Tang period, the poems that followed Wangchuan ji's style acquired the quality of "chang he shi" by the efforts of more than three poets who were from remote places. Basically, these works build on the relationships of the society; their most important role is to share one common place in literature. Thus, they often have a playful mood, and become like rhetorical games. Han Yu's 韓愈 Feng he liu shi jun san tang xin yong er shi yi yong 奉和劉使君三堂新詠二十一詠 is one of the most marked example, which is full of witty diction.


  • 中國文學報

    中國文學報 81 1-35, 2011-10



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