Developing Organizations towards Enhancing Regional Knowledge Creation : The role of Japanese universities' joint research centers in promoting interaction towards the externalization of knowledge <Articles>

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  • Developing organizations towards enhancing regional knowledge creation: the role of Japanese universities' joint research centers in promoting interaction towards the externalization of knowledge

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Regional knowledge is held by the many actors that interact in the same geographical area. Regional knowledge creation is a social process that requires the interaction of actors. This article examines into the role of organizations in fostering knowledge creation by analyzing Japanese universities' joint research centers. These centers helped universities raise their level of collaboration with private firms. It also helped small and medium region's firms to advance their collaboration with universities. Universities that established this organization first show a higher level of increase in joint researches than other universities. Proximity facilitates exchanges among regional actors, but it is necessary to have a set of organizations that help the region benefit from geographical closeness and enhance actors' interaction.


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