The internet as an occupation : The relation between the disabled person and the internet according to data in newspapers

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  • 作業としてのインターネット : 新聞の記事にみる障害者とインターネット
  • サギョウ ト シテ ノ インターネット シンブン ノ キジ ニ ミル ショウガイシャ ト インターネット

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“The internet can be very helpful if it is fully made use of by the disabled person."This statementmay be true, but the questions arise in what ways, in what fields and to what extent it can be useful.Inorder to obtain answers to those questions, we undertook research through a technique similar to the KJ-method, by collecting related articles from a certain nationally-circulated newspaper as data. Finally, thisdata verified that the internet makes it possible for the disabled to take part in social activities more easilyand willingly and to improve their activities in daily life, both their productive activities and their leisureactivities. We believe that we can define the activities produced by utilizing the internet as a virtualoccupation.


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