環境汚染に対する認知構造(6) --重回帰分析および因子分析--


  • The Cognitive Structure on Environmental Pollution (6) --The mutipple regression analysis and factor analysis--
  • カンキョウ オセン ニ タイスル ニンチ コウゾウ 6 ジュウ カイキ ブンセキ オヨビ インシ ブンセキ



This study was carried out to clarify the cognitive structure of young people on environmental pollution. Subjects were 251 college students. They were asked to express their degree of anxiety on 18 phrases and approval or disapproval on 20 statements related to environmental pollution. First, multiple regression analysis was administered where the criterion variable was the anxiety score and the explanatory vairables were the responses to 20 statements. Several vairables contributed to anxiety score. Secondlly, factor analysis was administerd and three factors were extracted. Those factors were called resignation, nuclear power generation, and pollution. The comparison of factors at three periods showed the change of the years. The ambivalent attitude to nuclear power generation represents Japan of today.


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