Hegel's Logic–Appearance, endless decision and intellectual property–

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  • ヘーゲルの論理学-仮象、無限判断および知の所有-
  • ヘーゲル ノ ロンリガク : カショウ 、 ムゲン ハンダン オヨビ チ ノ ショユウ

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Though Dieter Henrich's interpretation of Hegel's logic is well-known, it has been little understood and not been well appreciated. His theory of "appearance" is of great significance in the philosophy of spirit or social sciences. "Appearance" is often transformed with pretence or illusion, and it has been simply understood as fake or subjective idols. But "appearance" is an essential momentum of objectivity and veridicality. And this theory of "appearance" is also effective in addressing the challenges of applied ethics such as environmental ethics or bioethics where "coexistence" with "mutual recognition" is required. In this theory of "appearance", we can see the actuality of Hegel's philosophy that constructed so-called "dialectical logic". In the latter half of this essay, we argue for the possibility of Hegel's logic as applied ethics. This stage theory is a method for applying the theory of principle to reality, and structurally theory of "double appearance". And comparing Wissenschaft der Logik and Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts by comparison, we apply the logic of the pure science to the philosophy of reality. Situation analysis is to clarify individual facts objectively, where the individual stands on the position of others. Therefore, "double appearance", in other words, the duplication to self-reflection and reflection of others, moreover duplicate itself and becomes "quadruple appearance", whole reflection duplicated, structurally. Antigone's death, a double negation, and absolute negativity, are logical prototypes of Hegel's theory of "double appearance".


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