Juvenile delinquency and social rehabilitation

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  • 少年非行と社会復帰
  • ショウネン ヒコウ ト シャカイ フッキ

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In 2004, the public was stunned by the news that an 11-year-old primary school student killed a classmate with a knife in Nagasaki. The decline in the ages of juvenile law offenders is often reported, recently. But, according to the white paper on crime, the rate per population of juveniles delinquency decrease from 2008. However, juvenile law was revised and changed the age limit on juvenile delinquency who may be sent to reformatory school. However the matter has not been settled revised juvenile law. I think that there are many problems urgently requiring improvement concerning juvenile problems. So, this study considers that juvenile delinquency and social rehabilitation.


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