

  • Gaze measurement during toileting behavior of healthy men wearing spinal orthoses



Objective:Gaze measurement of healthy male subjects wearing spinal orthoses was performed during toileting behavior in order to deduce some of the cognitive patterns.Methods:The subjects were men aged 40 years or over who were independent in activities of daily living. Gaze measurement was performed using an eye mark recorder EMR-9 (NacImage Technology, Inc.) during toileting behavior with subjects wearing a lumbar orthosis, a cervical thoracic orthosis, and no orthosis. Toileting behavior was divided into 3 processes,with 8 gaze fixation items set from the images of a wide-view camera. Gaze data were analyzed using the EMR-dFactory EMR analysis software to determine gaze fixation time,number of gaze fixations, and a gaze fixation item transition table for each gaze fixation item. Differences among the lumbar orthosis, cervical thoracic orthosis, and no orthosis groupswere examined using Friedman’s test, and multiple comparisons were performed using the Bonferroni correction. IBM SPSS Statistics 26 was used for statistical processing.Results:Data from 10 subjects were analyzed. No significant differences in total gaze fixation time or total number of gaze fixations were found between the spinal orthosis groups for theoverall toileting behavior process. In process 1, gaze fixation time was significantly shorter on the floor (p=0.030) and significantly longer on the toilet (p=0.005) in the lumbar orthosis groupthan in the cervical thoracic orthosis group. In process 2, gaze fixation time was significantly longer on the toilet (p=0.016) and on the trousers (p=0.030), and the number of gaze fixationswas significantly greater on the trousers (p=0.005) and on the body (p=0.022) in the lumbar orthosis group than in the cervical thoracic orthosis group. In process 3, gaze fixation timeand the number of gaze fixations on the wall were significantly greater (p=0.008 and p=0.011, respectively), and gaze fixation time and the number of gaze fixations on the body weresignificantly less (both p=0.008) in the cervical thoracic orthosis group than in the no orthosis group. In addition, gaze fixation in the cervical thoracic orthosis group was mainly on the walland the floor, and this group was unable to fix the gaze on the toilet, the trousers, and other objects.Discussion:When wearing a lumbar orthosis, the action of pulling the lower garments up and down took time, and when wearing a cervical thoracic orthosis, it was not possible to gazeat the position of the toilet. In order to ensure safe toileting behavior for patients wearing a spinal orthosis, it is essential that they have the opportunity to experience wearing a spinalorthosis prior to surgery, and that they are given support to anticipate and cope with postoperative risks.目 的:健常男性が脊椎固定装具を装着した際の排泄動作時の視線計測を行い,脊椎固定装具装着時の認知パターンの一部を推定する。方 法:日常生活動作が自立した40 歳以上の男性を対象に,視線計測機器EMR-9(株式会社ナックイメージテクノロジー)を用いて,腰椎固定装具装着時,頸胸椎固定装具装着時,非装着時の排泄動作の視線計測を実施した。排泄動作は3 行程に分割し,視野カメラの映像から8 つの注視項目を設定した。視線データの解析にはEMR 解析ソフトフェアEMR-dFactory を用い,各注視項目に対する注視時間,注視回数,注視項目視線変化表を求めた。さらに,IBM SPSS Statistics 26 を用いて,腰椎固定装具装着,頸胸椎固定装具装着,非装着の3 群間でFriedman 検定を用い,Bonferroni法による多重比較を行った。結 果:データ解析対象者は10 名であった。脊椎固定装具別の総注視時間と総注視回数は,排泄動作の全行程において有意な差は認めなかった。【行程1】では,頸胸椎固定装具装着に比べ腰椎固定装具装着の「床」の注視時間が有意に短く(p=0.030),「便器」の注視時間が有意に長かった(p=0.005)。【行程2】では,頸胸椎固定装具装着に比べ腰椎固定装具装着の「便器」と「ズボン」の注視時間が有意に長く(p=0.016,p=0.030),「ズボン」と「胴体」の注視回数が有意に多かった(p=0.005,p=0.022)。【行程3】では,非装着に比べ頸胸椎固定装具装着の「壁」の注視時間と注視回数が有意に多く(p=0.008,p=0.011),「胴体」の注視時間と注視回数が有意に少なかった(p=0.008,p=0.008)。また,頸胸椎固定装具では,「壁」や「床」の注視が主であり,「便器」や「ズボン」などの対象物を注視できていなかった。考 察:腰椎固定装具装着時は下衣の上げ下げ動作に時間を要しており,頸胸椎固定装具装着時は便座の位置が目視できていなかった。脊椎固定装具装着患者が安全に排泄動作を行うことができるよう,術前に脊椎固定装具装着を体験する機会をもち,術後の危険予測や対処行動につながる支援を行うことが必要である。




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