

  • ゲンダイ アメリカ ブンガク ケンキュウ ドス パソス メイラー フット フォークナー ゼンペン
  • A Study of Modern American Literature: Dos Passos, Mailer, Foote, Faulkner(Former Part)



This is a joint work on modern American literature which is one of the most flourishing and vital literature in the world. This work tries to discuss the meanings and significances of several important aspects of modern American literature and consider the general characteristics of its world in order to find out the essential qualities of that literature. In chapter 1 the deep influence of cubism upon John Dos Passos is discussed. And in chapter 2 Norman Mailer’s democracy and liberalism are described in the Pacific battlefield of World WarⅡ. He is sharply against the very cruel military system. Chapter 3 considers the Southern dramatists after Tennessee Williams focusing on Horton Foote and some others who are more positive than Williams. In chapter 4 the Southern world of William Faulkner is reexamined through his very well known and most representative short story “A Rose for Emily.”


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