Practical report of problem posing in mathematics in the first-year fundamental education

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  • 初年次基礎科目の数学における作問課題の実践
  • ショネンジ キソ カモク ノ スウガク ニ オケル サクモン カダイ ノ ジッセン
  • ハツ ネンジ キソ カモク ノ スウガク ニ オケル サク モン カダイ ノ ジッセン

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This article reports mathematical problem posing in the first-year fundamental education. Students who received this practice created mathematical questions including model answers according to given themes and/or similar problems that were handled in the class. Positive correlation was recognized between scores of the problem posing and final exam for the students to solve given questions, however, it was somewhat weak (correlation coefficient: 0.47, p<0.001). This suggests that the problem posing could possibly evaluated the mathematical ability which could not be evaluated by written test. From results of questionnaire after the practice, it was shown that the students' aversion and disgust to mathematics might be improved through classes including the practice of problem posing. The results also suggested that it might be effective to share the formed questions among the students. On the other hand, there remained issues with the theme setting and evaluation method of the problem posing, in terms of (1) promoting use of materials such as textbooks, reference books, and the Internet, and (2) considering the level difference among the students. For general discussions on the significance of problem posing as a grade evaluation method and the effectivity of problem posing on university students, more practical data and trial-and-error are needed.


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