Organizational health management status for nursing staff with occupational allergies in hospitals : Issues to work on in the future


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  • 看護職の職業性アレルギーに対する病院組織における健康管理状況と今後の課題

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目的:看護職の職業性アレルギーに関する健康管理状況と今後の課題を明らかにする. 方法:対象は全国の400床以上の647病院の看護管理者各1名とした.調査項目は属性,健康診断と健康管理,健康教育,作業管理,作業環境管理の状況,職業性アレルギーの認知や受講経験,ガイドライン・指針の必要性などであった. 結果:回答は99名で有効回答率は15.3% であった.健康診断にアレルギー疾患の項目があるのは約6割で,管理は個人に委ねられていた.職業性アレルギーの教育は3割で実施,作業管理は5割,作業環境管理は9割の実施であった.職業性アレルギーを詳しく知らないは6割,ガイドライン・指針が必要は8割以上であった. 考察:職業性アレルギーの知識不足や健康管理の方法が十分でないことが推察された.今後は看護職の職業性アレルギーの予防や悪化防止に必要な職場の健康管理方法の検討と,そのエビデンスとなる研究の推進が課題である. Objective: The purpose of this study was to clarify future issues related to the health management status and occupational allergies of nursing staff. Method: The subjects were nursing managers in hospitals with more than 400 beds in Japan. The questionnaire items consisted of attributes, health check and health management, health education, work management, work environment management status, recognition of occupational allergies and experience, and awareness of the need for guidelines. Results: Answers were obtained from 99 nursing managers. The effective response rate was 15.3%. Approximately 60% of respondents answered that there was an allergic disease item in their medical examination, and that health management of allergic symptoms were self-managed. Thirty percent of respondents reported receiving education on occupational allergies, 50% reported that work management was implemented, and 90% reported that work environment management was implemented. Sixty percent of the respondents did not have detailed knowledge on occupational allergies. In addition, >80% of the respondents indicated that they required guidelines. Discussion: The results of this study showed that there was a lack of knowledge on occupational allergies and methods of organized health management. In the future, it will be necessary to examine methods of health management in the workplace that are necessary to prevent occupational allergies or prevent a worsening of allergic disease in nurses, and to promote research that provides evidence on this topic.


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