The possibility of research on Imāmī Tafsīrs in the 9th and 10th centuries : research problems and prospects
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- Other Title
- 初期イマーム派タフスィール研究の可能性 : フラート・クーフィーの著作から見る先行研究の課題と展望
- ショキ イマームハ タフスィール ケンキュウ ノ カノウセイ : フラート・クーフィー ノ チョサク カラ ミル センコウ ケンキュウ ノ カダイ ト テンボウ
- 初期イマーム派タフスィール研究の可能性 : フラートクーフィーの著作から見る先行研究の課題と展望
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In this paper, we analyze the ongoing studies on Imāmī Shī‘ī tafsīrs in the ninth and tenth centuries and examine the prospects and progress of research in this field. The tafsīrs of these centuries were closely connected with the contemporary corpora of the Imāmī ḥadīths. Although studies have begun to be conducted on these ḥadīths and the corpora in recent times, the academic work on the tafsīrs done in Western countries is inadequate for understanding the development of Imāmī thought. More research progress has been made in modern Arab countries and Iran than in the West. Tafsīr of Furāt al-Kūfī, one of the tafsīrs in these ages, has been considered as Imāmī literature. In fact, it contains numerous Zaydī elements. Researching these tafsīrs leads to the elucidation of the whole image of Imāmiyya, the process of systematization of Imāmī thoughts, and the relation between Imāmiyya and other Shī‘ī sects.
- 一神教世界
一神教世界 6 87-104, 2015-03-31
Doshisha University, Center for Interdisciplinary Study of Monotheistic Religions (CISMOR)
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390572174867851392
- NII Article ID
- 120005647595
- NII Book ID
- AA12478825
- 21850380
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
- CiNii Articles
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