非国有アーカイブズと公的保護 ――イタリアにおける国家機関の創設――


  • Non-State-Owned Archives and Public Protection: the Establishment of National Institutions in Italy
  • ヒコクユウ アーカイブズ ト コウテキ ホゴ : イタリア ニ オケル コッカ キカン ノ ソウセツ



現在、イタリアの国有アーカイブズは、各地の国立文書館に移管され、非国有アーカイブズに関しても、各地の文書保護局が所在調査や監視、保護のための助言や災害時の救助などを行っている。すなわち、公文書・私文書を問わず、保存や保護、公開の体制が整備されていると言える。 イタリア統一当初からアーカイブズの重要性が認識されていたが、長く複雑な歴史的背景をもつため、非国有アーカイブズの保護に関しては、私有権の問題も絡み、困難な状況にあった。統一から半世紀が経過した時期に、非国有アーカイブズを取り巻く状況が危機ものとなり、学界や教育の分野から徐々に改善に向けた取り組みがなされていった。 ファシズム体制末期に、国が非国有アーカイブズに対しても公的保護を行う機関を創設する法律が成立し、体制が整備されたが、具体的な施策の実施が困難であった。しかしこの法律は、逆説的ではあるが、体制崩壊後のアーカイブズの散逸や廃棄を防ぐのに一定の役割を果たした。 戦後、非国有アーカイブズの保護における所有者と国との関係は、協調的な形に変化した。許可のない廃棄等には厳しい姿勢を取りつつも、保護に前向きな所有者に対しては、保存処置にあたっての税制の優遇措置や、財政的な助言を与えるなど、権利と義務を通じた形で非国有アーカイブズの保護に国が積極的に関与した。その結果、豊かなアーカイブズ遺産が現代に受け継がれているのである。State-owned archives in present-day Italy are kept in a number of National Archives (Archivi di Stato) located throughout the country, while the location and supervision of non-state-owned archives are managed by the Superintendence of Archive (Soprintendenza Archivistica), likewise located throughout the country, which furthermore offer advice for preservation, and rescue archives in case of natural disasters. In this way, both public as well as private archives are preserved, protected, and made accessible to the public.The importance of archives was already recognized right after the Italian unification. Due to a number of complex historical circumstances, non-state-owned archives remained in a precarious state, exacerbated by issues of private ownership. Some fifty years after the unification of Italy, the fate of non-state-owned archives became all the more ominous, leading academic and educational institutions to begin activelyformulating strategies to ameliorate the situation.Around the end of fascist rule (1922-1943), the Italian government created laws for the establishment of public institutions aimed at preserving non-state-owned archives. The actual establishment of these institutions, however, was fraught with much difficulty. These laws served to prevent a number of archival documents from being scattered or lost after the fall of the fascist regiment.After the war, the relationship between the nation and the owners of non-state-owned archives became one of mutual cooperation: discarding archived material without permission became a serious offense; the government attempted to assist the owners of these archives by offering tax exemptions to defray some of the costs for preserving these documents, as well as offering financial advice. The Italian government strives to fulfill its duty to protect non-state-owned archives by ensuring the rights of their owners. It is thanks to such efforts that Italy is now blessed with such a rich array of archives.





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