Outcomes-based approach in Japanese higher education: emerging concerns and challenges


  • Outcome-Based Approach in Japanese Higher Education : Emerging Concerns and Challenges



This paper examines the emerging concerns with outcomes-based approach in Japanese higher education. First, what is outcomes-based approach (OBA) is explained. OBA has three components; 1. The statement of intended/expected learning outcomes.2. The design of teaching and learning activities to increase the likelihood of the most students achieving the outcomes.3. The assessment to check if each student actually achieve or not. Then the changes in international as well as domestic environment such as globalization, universalization of participation, and the coming of knowledge society are mentioned. In this context the National Council for Education published the policy paper, Toward the Constructing Undergraduate Education in 2008, which proposed “Gakushiryoku (Graduate Capabilities)” as the common set of learning outcomes for undergraduate program in order to assure the quality of it. Finally, some challenges have to be mentioned to implement OBA fully in Japan. These are; 1. Each institution has to produce the statement about the ideal graduate, and then turn it into clear statement of learning outcomes she/he is expected to achieve. (Diploma Policy)2. Each institution has to assure that all students have the opportunity to develop all learning outcomes by spreading and embedding into curriculum. (Curriculum Map)3. Each institution needs to change teaching methods or pedagogy from teacher-centered lecture to learner-centered active learning. (Pedagogy Reform)4. Each institution should develop the way to collect information on students’ learning. (Assessment)


  • 大學教育研究

    大學教育研究 17 31-42, 2008-09




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