Midwivesʼ awareness of maternal health checkup guidance and background factors in Makassar City, Republic of Indonesia —Interviews and Steps for Coding and Theorization (SCAT)
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- インドネシア共和国マカッサル市の妊婦健康診査指導に対する助産師の認識とその背景―インタビューと SCAT によるステップコーディングデータ分析手法を用いて―
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The principal aim of the present study was to elucidate the awareness of midwives who provide post-birth guidance during maternal health checkups in Makassar City, Republic of Indonesia, and related factors. Semi-structured interviews were administered to midwives at a public health center and perinatal hospital regarding the details of guidance conducted for factors related to maternal mortality (e.g., hypertension, anemia, and hemorrhage), and qualitative analysis was performed using Steps for Coding and Theorization (SCAT). With regard to hemorrhage, which is the most common cause of maternal mortality, midwives in both public health centers and perinatal hospitals have high expectations for new governmental policies, such as utility of the online system or coverage by the health insurance system in hemorrhage management. There is a double burden of nutritional problems pertaining to both low nutrition and overnutrition of pregnant women, which is a characteristic of developing countries, and it is a major task for midwives to properly manage weight due to the differences in functioning of health centers and perinatal hospitals; few midwives at the public health center were aware of hypertension and hypotension in pregnant women. These findings suggest that the content of teaching in health centers is inadequate compared with that of perinatal hospitals.
本研究の目的は、インドネシア共和国マカッサル市で妊婦健康診査を実施する助産師の、妊婦指導に対する認識やその背景を明らかにすることである。方法は保健所および母子病院の助産師を対象に、妊産婦死亡の関連因子である高血圧や貧血、出血などの項目ごとに実施している指導内容について半構造的インタビューを実施し、SCAT(Steps for Coding and Theorization)による質的分析を行った。その結果、妊産婦死亡率(MMR:Maternal Mortality Ratio)の原因で最も多い出血に対して政府のあらたな保健政策が保健所・母子病院両施設の助産師にも意識化され、期待を持って受け止められていることや、妊婦の低栄養と過剰栄養の両方に対処する栄養問題の二重負担は途上国の特徴であり体重管理を適切に行うことは助産師の大きな役割となっていること、保健所と母子病院では施設機能の違いから保健所の助産師は妊婦の高血圧や低血圧は少ないと認識しておりそのため指導内容も母子病院に比べて不十分であることが示唆された。
- Journal of wellness and health care = Journal of wellness and health care
Journal of wellness and health care = Journal of wellness and health care 41 (1), 13-24, 2017-08-08
Wellness and Health Care Society
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390572174913602432
- NII Article ID
- 120006364220
- NII Book ID
- AA1279215X
- 24333190
- 028528841
- Text Lang
- en
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles