西洋音楽・国民形成・文明ヒエラルキー ―明治日本における洋楽受容と近代化―


  • Western Music, Citizen Formation, and Civilizational Hierarchies: On the Introduction of Western Music to Meiji Japan and the Narrative of Modernization
  • セイヨウ オンガク ・ コクミン ケイセイ ・ ブンメイ ヒエラルキー : メイジ ニホン ニ オケル ヨウガク ジュヨウ ト キンダイカ



The following article deals with the concept of modernity in the humanities. The term “modernity” is commonly used but its associations can cause some difficulties in understanding historical processes. In this article, the activities of the pedagogue and bureaucrat Izawa Shuji and the Music Study Committee on the Introduction of Western Music in Meiji-Era Japan will be examined to illuminate these problems. The focus is placed on two aspects of the modernization narrative: first, the tendency to interpret processes and changes within a society from a generalized perspective, which often leads to overlooking conflicts or antagonisms within a society, and, second, the fact that modernization is generally understood as a process of rationalization, which is insufficient to explain certain processes.


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