Carbon Footprint estimation of Japanese radish: CFP reduction strategies and application possibility for environmental education



This study estimates the life cycle CO2 (LC-CO2) of the Japanese radish (variety: Aokubii Daikon) grown with the “tunnel cultivation method” in Choshi city, Chiba Prefecture,Japan. The highest emission stage and process of the LC-CO2 were specified and the calculation processes and results were shown for their application in improving environmental education.The functional unit of a radish was calculated as the weight of CO2 equivalent (CO2eq), which has been converted to CO2 from differed greenhouse gasses (GHGs)/kg of radish, otherwise known as its “carbon footprint (CFP)”. The life cycle of a radish is divided into five stages, which can be further divided into eight processes. The CFP is calculated as the total amount of CO2 emitted from every process. The estimated CFP of a radish produced in Choshi city was 472.4 g-CO2eq/kg. The highest contributors to the radish’s CFP were the cooking and field preparing processes, especially from the boiling water for cooking, which contributed to 44.9% of the total CFP, while the chemical fertilizer accounted for approximately 24.3%. Both consumers and producers should change their cooking and cultivating methods to reduce CO2 emissions. Sharing the results of our research and other CFPs of local products as environmental education tools was shown to be effective in helping students recognize the important relationship between their daily life and the associated effects on the environment.


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