中国におけるサービス貿易の国際競争力に関する一考察 : 米中比較の視点から


  • チュウゴク ニ オケル サービス ボウエキ ノ コクサイ キョウソウリョク ニ カンスル イチコウサツ ベイチュウ ヒカク ノ シテンカラ




Since the 1970s, international service trade has maintained a high speed of development. Global economic integration and industry structural adjustment of the world further promote the world economic center shifting from manufacturing to services. Since China joined WTO, the level of opening up gradually improves and service trade has achieved rapid growth. On the other hand, the competitiveness of Chinese service trade is still in low level, so promoting the competitiveness of the service trade has become the top priority.This paper uses data from UNCTAD to measure the revealed comparative advantage and dominant competitive advantage in service departments of Sino-US through the RCA, the CA and the TSC indexes. The paper concludes that China has both comparative disadvantages and a competitive disadvantage in financial services and royalties and license fees services, while America has comparative advantages and a competitive advantage. In order to improve the future competitiveness in service trade, it is necessary for China to improve its weak sectors: financial services and royalties and licenses fees services. This article attempts to promote the competitiveness of service trade while attempting to optimize the industrial structure.

source:Josai International Review



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