非差別原則再考 : その積極的義務と人権の制限の関係について


  • Non-discrimination as a Legitimate Aim of Limitation on Human Rights
  • ヒサベツ ゲンソク サイコウ : ソノ セッキョクテキ ギム ト ジンケン ノ セイゲン ノ カンケイ ニ ツイテ



The principle of non-discrimination has been regarded as one of the paramount norms in international law since the Second World War. All major human rights treaties such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights stipulate it and impose obligations on States Parties not to discriminate people on the basis of race, colour, religion or other status. The Covenant also provides in Article 26 that all persons have the right to equality. In accordance with Article 2 of the Covenant, States Parties have positive obligations with regard to rights and freedoms enumerated in the Covenant, including obligations to interfere in private affairs. Thus, they must appropriately deal with discrimination committed by private persons. Since the Covenant allows the States Parties to impose limitation on certain human rights with detailed prerequisites, and Article 26 of the Covenant entails positive obligations as described above, the State may have to discharge its obligations by restricting human rights. The most typical example is prohibiting any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred as prescribed in Article 20(2), but restricting other discriminatory activities such as hate speech against sexual minorities could also be required.


  • 一橋法学

    一橋法学 20 (2), 335-379, 2021-07-10


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