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type:Departmental Bulletin Paper

本研究の目的は,次の2点である。1「農業・農村体験」に参加した教員志望学生が,その体験を活かした教材・授業開発(小学校社会科)をおこない,小学校第5学年を対象に,実践授業をおこなう。2実践授業の成果から,教員志望学生を対象とした体験型プログラムの有為性について検討する。本稿では,実践授業に向けた第一段階として,教員志望学生###が参加した「農業・農村体験」の概要と,教材開発のために設置した定点カメラの成果,および授業開発の可能性について報告する。「農業・農村体験」は,茨城県かすみがうら市上佐谷地区において実施し,参加学生は,田植え(田植機・手植え作業)と稲刈り(手刈り作業),および籾摺り作業を体験した。教材開発のために,水田近傍に長期間設置した定点カメラは,季節変化に対応した稲の成長速度と成長過程を捉えていた。また,それぞれの農作業を撮影したインターバル動画は,定点カメラの映像と共に教材として使用できる可能性が見出された。The purposes of the present study are the following two points. One is to offer university students intending become school teacher the experience based activity on farm village,and also to introduce them to develop class based on teaching materials derived from their experiences on the farm village. Another point is to establish the effectiveness###of the experience based activity for the university student from the result of the practical class for the fifth grader in the elementary school. In the present report, the authors intend to outline the several activities on the farm village and the result of the fixed point camera set up as the first stage of the program, and briefly summarizes the development of teaching materials based on the activities in order to examine the possibility of the class development.The agriculture and farm village experience activity was conducted in Kamisaya,Kasumigaura City, Ibaraki Prefecture in May and September of 2013. The students had the agricultural activities such as“ rice planting",“ rice harvesting" and“ rice hulling" on the rice-field proposed by the local farmer. The experienced based activity on the farm###village has successfully given the students taking the teaching materials such as a lot of agricultural information by the interview for the farmers, the snapshot pictures and the animation of each labor for farming taken by the fixed point camera confirmed as for the interval.


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