My Phlebology: Looking Back at the Surgeon for Over 60 Years

  • Kubo Yoshihiko
    Professor Emeritus, Asahikawa Medical University Honorary Director, Moriyama Hospital

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  • わたくしと静脈—外科医60余年を顧みて—


<p>As a surgeon for more than 40 years, the author has been involved in experimental and clinical research on revascularization materials from the vena cava to the arteries, and has gained the following recognition. 1) In general, woven artificial blood vessels are used for arterial reconstruction at the level of the aorta to the femoral artery, and functionally satisfactory results can be obtained. However, it is difficult to hope for its organization, and it is difficult to call it an ideal substitute blood vessel. 2) The autologous vein is the only small-diameter substitute that can withstand clinical use, especially in the lower extremities, where its application has reached the paramalleolar bypass, which seems to be the limit. 3) With the advent of a society with longevity, the development of small-diameter substitute vessels to replace autologous veins has become an urgent issue. The collaboration of nano-level technology, biotechnology and a community of quality knowledge will help develop small-diameter blood vessels that can withstand clinical use. 4) The author hopes that Japan’s unique medical office system will develop as a community of knowledge.</p>



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