Might Teens with Perianal Fistula Suffer from Crohn's Disease?

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  • 10代の痔瘻はクローン病か?


<p>Thirty-three (79%) patients with Crohn's disease were diagnosed among 42 teens with perianal fistula. We performed total colonoscopy for teen patients with perianal fistula. Fifteen patients had usual perianal fistulas, but 18 had unusual perianal fistulas (wet, edematous fistulas, multiple fistulas, complex fistulas). Fourteen patients had no abdominal symptoms (abdominal pain or diarrhea). A few patients had a cobblestone appearance, or longitudinal ulcers in the colon or terminal ileum. Many patients had multiple ulcers or multiple aphtha in the colon and terminal ileum. Teens with anal fistula might suffer from Crohn's disease. Therefore, we should perform a total colonoscopy for all teens with anal fistula, regardless of whether they have usual or unusual perianal fistulas, and with or without abdominal symptoms.</p>



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