複数の患者受け持ち導入による統合実習Aの到達度 : 臨床実践能力の修得に向けて


  • Attainment levels of students in charge of multiple patients in Integrated Training A : For the acquisition of practical clinical skills
  • フクスウ ノ カンジャ ウケモチ ドウニュウ ニ ヨル トウゴウ ジッシュウ A ノ トウタツド : リンショウ ジッセン ノウリョク ノ シュウトク ニ ムケテ



複数の患者を受け持つ統合実習Aの学生の到達度と学び・要望を分析し,教育効果ならびに今後の教育上の課題を明らかにすることを目的に調査を分析した結果,以下のことが明らかになった。1. 統合実習A(複数の患者受け持ち実習)の到達度は,①ケアの優先度の判断,②報告・連絡・相談,③メンバーシップ,④危険予知,⑤基礎的な技術の実践の5項目に対し学生の自己評価による到達度は,5項目のうちメンバーシップ以外全てに9割を超えた到達度であった。メンバーシップは75.8%であったが全体的に高い到達度を示した。2. 統合実習Aにおける学びや要望の自由記述を分析すると,①優先順位の考え方,②時間管理の理解,③臨床実践能力の修得,④看護をマネジメントできる基礎的能力の育成に繋がっていることがわかった。さらに,気づく力や考える力の育成にもなっていた。また,指導者の負担軽減の方法やチームとして参加するケア,実践記録の統一など今後の課題が明らかになった。 以上のことから,統合実習Aの学生の自己評価による到達度は高いことがわかった。また,教育上の課題も明確となったので検討を加え改善していきたい。 We conducted a survey on the attainment levels of students who are in charge of multiple patients in Integrated Training A, as well as their opinions and comments, and analyzed the results to examine its educational effects and identify problems and future improvements.1. Students were asked to conduct self-assessment of their attainment levels in Integrated Training A regarding five items: 1) judgment on care priority, 2) reporting, communication, and consultation, 3) membership, 4) risk prediction, and 5) practice of basic skills. The level (expressed as a percentage) based on self-assessment was higher than 90%, except for "membership" (75.8%).2. According to the results of analysis, requests by students and their comments on what they learned in Integrated Training A were related to: 1) idea of priorities, 2) recognition of time management, 3) acquisition of practical clinical skills, and 4) development of the basic capability for managing nursing care. Some students commented that the training sessions helped them develop skills to notice and consider. As future challenges, ways to reduce the burden on instructors, team care, and unification of recording methods were cited.We concluded that the attainment levels of students (based on their self-assessment) in Integrated Training A were high. We were also able to identify problems to be addressed, and plan to discuss and improve them for future education and training.


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