Nizhidaoba: ‘You Know + ba (Modal Particle)’ as a Response-Mobilizing Device in Mandarin Conversation


Nizhidaoba is composed of nizhidao ʻyou knowʼ and the modal particle ba in Mandarin Chinese. Building on previous research, this study examines how nizhidaoba is used as a response-mobilizing device to seek acknowledgement, acceptance, or agreement in different sequential environments. Adopting the methodology of Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics, this study examines eight hours of audio-recorded telephone conversation in Mandarin and explores the interactional functions of [X+nizhidaoba] (TCU-Final, Turn-Final). The study shows that [X+nizhidaoba] is either used in the disagreement sequence or at the end of the telling sequence to display the speakerʼs stance that the listener must take into account in order to understand X. Therefore, the speakerʼs opinion or the telling can become more understandable to the listener. In this way, [X+nizhidaoba] is used to increase the listenerʼs accountability to respond.


  • APU言語研究論叢

    APU言語研究論叢 7 (0), 60-, 2022


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