
  • 廣瀬 雄士
    東北大学 大学院工学研究科ファインメカニクス専攻
  • 喬 向宇
    東北大学 大学院工学研究科ファインメカニクス専攻
  • 鈴木 研
    東北大学 大学院工学研究科先端材料強度科学研究センター
  • 三浦 英生
    東北大学 大学院工学研究科先端材料強度科学研究センター


  • Development of the generic technologies for a dumbbell graphene nanoribbon-base gas detecting sensor by using strain-induced change of the adsorption and desorption properties of gas molecules


<p>Carbon nanomaterials were applied to the development of biochemical sensers for detecting plural gases and molecules in an environment. In order to further improve the selectivity of a target gas or molecule, carbon nanotube was applied to the catalyst on a graphene nanoribbon. In this study, CNTs were synthesized by thermal CVD using acetylene gas. Since it was found by the first principles calculation that the electronic conductivity of graphene and graphene nanoribbon varies drastically under the application of strain, mechanical properties of the grown CNTs were evaluated. As a result, the surface stress newly generated by CNT synthesis was very low of 32 kPa, and the macroscopic Young's modulus of the synthesized CNT layer was 4.2 MPa and the linear expansion coefficient was 5.8×10-6 K-1. It was found that the CNT layer synthesized by the thermal CVD method did not cause significant stress on the synthesized surface, and the low density of the CNT layer provided sufficient specific surface area for exposure to gas molecules.</p>


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