
DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • The Religious Practices of Kakuban and Toba-in : from the Perspective of the Establishment of the Kōyasan Daidenpo-in
  • コウヤサン ダイデンホウイン ソウケン ニ オケル カクバン ト トバイン



During the Insei period (院政期), Kokyo Daishi Kakuban (覚鑁) established the Daidenpo-in (大伝法院) as Toba-in’s (鳥羽院)Goganji (御願寺) at Kōyasan (高野山) for reviving the Denpoe (伝法会) of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. The temple organization of Daidenpo-in had a great influence on the side of Kongobuji (金剛峯寺), which was the original organization of Kōyasan. However, the low status of the monks and their concurrent learning of Other Sects, which were the basis for the Kongobuji side’s accusations against Kakuban and the Daidenpo-in side, were not considered a problem by Toba-in. On the other hand, it is thought that the decision to make Kakuban and his Monzeki (門跡) the heads of both the Daidenpo-in and Kongobuji, probably originated in the will of Toba-in. Furthermore, by examining various documents, it becomes clear that the governance of Kōyasan and the prosperity of the Buddhist (仏法) and the Royal Law (王法) were expected to be realized under the previously mentioned policy. It is also clear that Kakuban is the protector of the religious policy for governing Kōyasan as conceived by Toba-in.




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