A New Perspective of “Juvenile Corrections”


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Other Title
  • 「少年矯正」の新たな展開


<p>This study focuses on the current challenges in the of treatment and rehabilitation of in juveniles corrections, concerning the treatment for corrections and rehabilitation in juvenile training schools, and this study addressing the promising measures and promising future concepts from the following three viewpoints. First, this study identifies the structure of “correction model” structure which has been diffused in the corrections used for adult offenders and the inherent challenges obstructing offenders’ rehabilitation. Secondly, in terms of rebuilding of juvenile corrections, the study considers “narrative theory,” which is the foundational concept implemented of in family therapy, and others as a means for of reshaping juvenile corrections. In particular addition, this study discusses the possibility of using then “self-narrative model for desistance” emphasizing to (obtaining personal identity and self-narrative for desistance) to address deal with the challenges of the correction model. Finally, eventually, the study explores the rebuilding of “juvenile corrections” was realized through an emphasis the discussion of the possibilities on the environment/opportunity as the place of “co-living and co-developing.” This environment/opportunity focus allows formulates mutual initiatives, such as dialogues and relationships, and this mutual initiative promotes the development of officers, as supporters of thee, “toward the new concept of custodial measure can be a “best interest” for of developing juveniles.</p>


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    • JaLC
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