Concerning the Achievements and Spiritual Experiences of Jinin Emyō, Restoring Founder of the Temple Yachūji, in the Early Modern Movement for the Revival of the Monastic Precepts


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  • 近世戒律復興における野中寺中興慈忍慧猛の事績と霊験について


This paper describes the life and spiritual experiences of Jinin Emyō 慈忍慧猛 (1613-1675), a Buddhist monk who played a major role in the revival of Buddhist precepts in early modern Japan and is known to have had many spiritual experiences. At the beginning of the Edo period (1603-1868), Myōnin 明忍,(1578-1610) and four other monks practiced jisei jukai, the practice of taking precepts directly from Buddhas and bodhisattvas by vowing to do so. In this practice, the monks purified their bodies and minds by doing repentance; had spiritual experiences in dreams and reality; received acknowledgement of the purification of their bodies and minds from Buddhist deities; and at last, received the precepts directly from the Buddha. Thereafter, the monks practiced the precepts at the temple Byōdō Shinnō'in 平等心王院 (Saimyōji 西明寺) on Makino'o-san 槇尾山. After his training at Byōdō Shinnō'in, Jinin served as abbot at the temple Ganshōin 巌松院 for 24 years, and at the temple Yachūji 野中寺 for six years. At these two temples, Jinin carried out various Buddhist activities for the benefit of the people. Jinin observed the precepts strictly. When he administered precepts to people, he also gave precepts that everyone could follow. He also administered precepts to women. In his Shingon prayers, he performed the Kōmyō Shingon 光明真言 many times. He also saved people from drought with rainmaking rituals. Jinin encountered many miracles and spiritual experiences and recorded them. He also wrote down the miracles he saw while practicing esoteric Buddhism. These records still remain at Yachūji. His spiritual experiences were also witnessed by the people around him. As a result, people considered Jinin, who kept the precepts and lived for the sake of others, to have been acknowledged and supported by the gods and buddhas. Jinin's thoughts and deeds illustrate this understanding: "A person who lives righteously and prays to the gods and buddhas, will be saved and will receive benefits from them."


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