A history of reception to jazz dance in Japan : a “review” of prewar/a theater art of postwar

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  • 日本におけるジャズダンスの受容史 : 戦前レヴュウとして/戦後シアターアートとして
  • ニホン ニ オケル ジャズダンス ノ ジュヨウシ : センゼン レヴュウ ト シテ/センゴ シアターアート ト シテ

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Jazz dance originated in the 17th century from African slaves, however, it developed as a dance performed along with jazz music, which emerged in the late 19th century. Jazz music, which began as “dancing music,” was initially integrated with jazz dance, which could be performed alongside jazz music. Howbeit, jazz music and dance techniques that are complicated in terms of how they are performed were gradually developed, and they were recognized as jazz dances that could be performed several times in reviews and movies. Through musical films produced in the United States (U.S.), genuine jazz dance was witnessed in Japan. In postwar U.S., Lester Horton systematized jazz dance techniques similar to modern dance, and Alvin Ailey incorporated these techniques into his works. Subsequently, they spread jazz dance across the world, and jazz dance, which began as mere entertainment, was recognized as an “artistic dance” equivalent to ballet and modern dance. Meanwhile, “review,” an entertainment show developed in the U.S., was accepted in Japan in the 1920s.However, Japanese reviews drew attention as “freak shows” that lacked knowledge of the situation in America, which included social and racial issues. Writers, such as Yasunari Kawabata, disseminated jazz dance to the public. However, despite being criticized as a “fake review,” the foundation of Japanese jazz dance was laid through the formation of a dance team and the creation of Japan’s own Girls’ Opera Company. Following the war, Luigi and other jazz dancers visited Japan to perform, and jazz dance techniques were extended through many workshops. However, with the emergence of aerobic dance in the 1970s and hip-hop in the 1980s, the position of jazz dance was reconsidered.


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