“Realizinga research environment where both women and men can fully demonstrate theirabilities in the era of 100-year life~Free frombarriers of unconscious bias~” Analysis of SJWSRegular Meeting Symposium 2021 and the Proposals

  • Shiomitsu Noriko
    National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP), Ministry ofEduaction, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
  • Kato Homma Miwako
    Deaprtment of Biomolecular Sciences, Fukushima Medical UniversitySchool of. Medicine
  • Yamada Keiko
    Former:Center of Medical Education, Sapporo Medical University
  • Shimizu Miho
    Tokyo University of Agriculture andTechnology, Faculty & Grad School of Engineering, Department of MaterialHealth Science
  • Atomi Yoriko
    Tokyo University of Agriculture andTechnology, Faculty & Grad School of Engineering, Department of MaterialHealth Science

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Other Title
  • 人生100年時代、女性も男性も十分に能力発揮できる研究環境の実現~無意識のバイアスから自由に~例会シンポジウム2021とSJWS提言の分析に基づく考察


<p>In the "Second Basic Plan for GenderEquality" (approved by the Cabinet in December 2005), the field of scienceand technology was positioned as a field requiring new efforts, and a numericaltarget (guideline: 25% for natural sciences as a whole) was set for the firsttime to promote the recruitment of female researchers. In response to this,measures to promote the activities of female researchers have been budgetedsince FY2006. However, the ratio of women to all researchers in Japan is 17.5% (as of the end of March 2021), which is the very low level in the world. Inaddition, the ratio of women in higher ranks decreases further. Against thebackground of this situation, the Society of Japanese Women Scientists (SJWS) held a symposium on September 26, 2021 under the theme of "Expectationsfor Women Scientists: Why Aren’t More Women Scientists? In this paper, we explain the proposalscompiled by SJWS in October, 2021 and the panel discussion that formed thebasis of them, compare and analyze them with those made in March, 2005, anddiscuss the significance of advocacy activities by academic organiztions andfuture issues.</p>



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