Observations of Currents in Seto Inland Sea using a Ship-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler -Comparison of Onboard Observations Performed on Training Voyages and Tidal Current Estimations-

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  • 船舶搭載型ADCPによる瀬戸内海の潮流調査-練習船実習航海時観測値と潮流推算との比較検証-


<p>The spatiotemporal distribution of tidal currents in Seto Inland Sea (Seto Naikai) is complex and characterized by very strong localized currents. Understanding the actual conditions and generation mechanisms of these currents will contribute to increasing the safety and efficiency of shipping and fisheries operations, as well as monitoring marine driftage in the region. In this study, we compared current information obtained by the Japan Coast Guard with acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) observation results collected by the “Hiroshima-maru”, a training ship of the National Institute of Technology, Hiroshima College, during training voyages in Seto Inland Sea. By comparing and analyzing these data, the accuracy and advantages of each method were verified, and several unique current characteristics were observed in local areas. The ADCP data collected during training voyages were collected along linear transects over short periods during changes in the tides. By collating the data collected over numerous time points and locations on different voyages, we were able to characterize the spatiotemporal characteristics of the currents of the entire area.</p>



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