Development of Flowrate and Equipment Simulation Model for Commercial Building HVAC&R System by Data-driven Method

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  • KIM Hyemi
    Graduate School of Human Studies, Kyushu University : Doctoral Program
  • SUMIYOSHI Daisuke
    Faculty of Human-Environmet Studies, Kyushu University

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This study proposes a new simulation model of the HVAC&R system. The flowrate model directly calculates the flow value with the ANN model (black-box method), and the equipment performance model calculates the theoretical parameters with the ANN model and then performs the theoretical calculation (gray-box method). In addition, for the input variables of the ANN model, Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients were used to select the input variables with the highest correlation for each model, and then calculations were performed. The accuracy of the Spearman correlation coefficient was high for both the flowrate model and the equipment model. Also, for the equipment model, the input variable based on the theoretical equation was as accurate as the input variable based on the Spearman correlation coefficient. Therefore, we found that systematic analysis of input variables affects the performance of the model.


  • 都市・建築学研究

    都市・建築学研究 40 19-34, 2021-07-15

    Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University

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