The Cross-Curricular Practice of Disaster Prevention Education Corresponding to Contemporary Issues: Effective Curriculum Management in Line with the Aims of the SDGs.

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  • 現代的な諸課題に対応した教科等横断的な防災教育の実践
  • ―SDGsのねらいに沿ったカリキュラム・マネジメントの構築を踏まえて―


<p>In this study, as a concrete approach to curriculum management (cross-curricular educational content related to contemporary issues) required for safety education including disaster prevention, we developed teaching materials in line with the aims of the SDGs, including SDG 11 “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” as the core element. We then examined the educational effects of classes using these materials while considering the goals of safety education. Our results revealed that Grade 5 students could utilize the knowledge they had learned in science and social studies to think about ways to mitigate flood damage by using their thinking, judgment, and expression skills. In addition, it can be assumed that the learning scenarios will be linked to evacuation drills, and can be expected to play a role as learning contents that link academic education with school events and special activities. Furthermore, through classroom practice using the teaching materials, we were able to demonstrate the possibility of contributing to the realization of not only SDG 11, but also other SDG targets such as SDG 6.6 “protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes” and SDG 12.8 “ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature”.</p>



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