

  • Repentance in the Middle Heian Period: The <i>Kuhon ōjōgi</i> and <i>Ōjō yōshū</i>


<p>The study that follows explores the uses of the term zange 懺悔 in the Gokuraku jōdo kuhon ōjōgi 極楽浄土九品往生義 The Theory of nine grades of rebirth in The Pure Land of Supreme Bliss) written by Jie Daishi Ryōgen 慈慧大師良源 (912-985), and in the Ōjō yōshū 往生要集 A collection of essential [teachings] on rebirth written by Eshin Sōzu Genshin 恵心僧都源信 (942-1017). Through a comparison of these texts, I argue that even though they do share certain common ground regarding the notion of repentance, for example a classification of repentance in terms of the two categories “Repentance based on Principle” and “Repentance based on Phenomena,” still the common base is minimal and actually the texts interpret the notion of repentance in very different terms. To show this, this study addresses questions such as who should perform the repentance and how it should be performed, and offers an analysis of the role of repentance in the complete narrative of each source, emphasizing its relation to another central notion―that of nenbutsu.</p>


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