なぜ教員と保護者の連携は難しいのか : いじめ加害者への対応をめぐる認識のすれ違い

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE オープンアクセス


  • The Difficulty of Teacher–Parent Cooperation; A Disconnect in Dealing with Bullying Perpetrators


The purpose of this paper is to examine the differences in perception of teachers and parents regarding the treatment of bullying perpetrators. This paper identifies one reason for the difficulties encountered in teacher-parent cooperation relating to bullying cases. Bullying continues to be a problem that threatens school education. Various solutions have been sought out and are in practice, including those that involve actors outside of the immediate school, including parents. However, while cooperation between teachers and parents is increasingly expected in dealing with bullying, such cooperation has its challenges. What are the key factors surrounding the difficulties experienced between parent and teachers? Previous studies have suggested that the closed nature of a teacher in his/her role encourages distrust among parents. However, creating a seemingly open environment may not be all that is necessary to spark true cooperation. In this paper, we show that even if teachers and parents actively exchange their opinions, if they are not “on the same page,” cooperation will be difficult. Conversation must not only be “open.” Perspectives must be well understood. This paper analyzes the quantitative data collected independently to examine (1) whether a basis for the differences between teachers and parents is established, (2) whether and where the perceptions of teachers and parents are different, and (3) what kind of framework is used for these perceptions and how they affect the differences. Through these examinations, we will explore the reasons why cooperation between teachers and parents is problematic. The analysis revealed the following three points. 1. Parents are willing to consult with teachers if they suspect bullying, suggesting that a foundation has been established from which teachers and parents’ perceptions may differ. 2. Teachers and parents differ in their perceptions of how to respond to the perpetrator. 3. Teachers and parents perceive the perpetrator’s response using different frameworks. The differences in the frameworks is influenced by the social context in which they are embedded, in this case, the context of elementary and secondary schools.


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