Development of Simple Participant Survey Method for Evaluation of Off-the-job-trainings in Japan

  • II Mizuho
    Department of Nuursing, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, University of Toyama
  • OKUDERA Hiroshi
    Department of Crisis Medicine and Patient Safety, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, University of Toyama
  • WAKASUGI Masahiro
    Department of Crisis Medicine and Patient Safety, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, University of Toyama
  • YASUDA Tomomi
    Department of Nuursing, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, University of Toyama

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Other Title
  • シミュレーション研修における客観的評価のための調査票の考案


In emergency care, various off-the-job-training programs have been developed and introduces because there are many types of diseases treated by various jobs. As of April 2018, there are 56 courses that can be taken in Japan, based on certain criteria such as the attendance record. There are several evaluation methods in simulation trainings. Recently, Kirkpatrick evaluation has been used as an evaluation for training. The Kirkpatrick system, consisting of four levels, has been applied and revised to training in various areas. Although this model is able to evaluate the entire training, it does not reflect the training effect for the individual immediately. The off-the-job-training course is not intended to fully complete skills and knowledge, but it is important that it provides an opportunity for continuing adult learning. Therefore, we developed the simple participant survey completed immediately after trainings for evaluation. We assumed the fictional training A as an example, and used the paper participant survey for training A. Some expected results were given and considered.


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