槇原敬之の歌詞の数量的分析 : 『君が笑うとき君の胸が痛まないように』から『Heart to Heart』まで


  • A statistical analysis of Noriyuki Makihara's lyrics:From the first album to the eighteenth album
  • マキ ハラタカシユキ ノ カシ ノ スウリョウテキ ブンセキ : 『 キミ ガ ワラウ トキ キミ ノ ムネ ガ イタマナイ ヨウニ 』 カラ 『 Heart to Heart 』 マデ



This paper tries to statistically analyze a Japanese singer and songwriter Noriyuki Makihara's original lyrics appeared in his seventeen albums from two view points. The first is to clarify the categorical ratio of the whole vocabulary. And the second point is to apply two cluster analyses (the hierarchical clustering and the centroid-based clustering) to see if these albums could form some clusters. The results show that,(i) the number of verbs outnumbers nouns in both types and tokens,and (ii) the centroid-based clustering shows that the albums before 2000 and after 2000 are divided except one album,and (iii) the hierarchical clustering shows that the first two albums forms one cluster,which could be supported by Makihara' s own words. Moreover,it is shown that the third cluster in the hierarchical clustering contains such words as ikiru (to live) and kokoro (heart) which displays Makihara' s ways of creating his lyrics after 2000.




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