Total population survey of people with severe behavioral disorders in Tottori prefecture of Japan
- Inoue Masahiko
- Tottori University Graduate School of Medical Science Department of Clinical Psychology
- Fukuzaki Toshiki
- Tottori University Graduate School of Medical Science Department of Clinical Psychology
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- Other Title
- 強度行動障害のある人の鳥取県における総人口調査
- キョウド コウドウ ショウガイ ノ アル ヒト ノ トットリケン ニ オケル ソウ ジンコウ チョウサ
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<p>Total population surveys are necessary for developing support systems for people with intellectual disorders and severe challenging behaviors in the community. Recently, local governments in Japan have conducted surveys on severe challenging behaviors without statistical analysis by age, gender, support level, co-diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders, residential patterns, or types of challenging behaviors. This study analyzed data provided by Tottori Prefecture of an anonymous survey conducted in 2017 at all the welfare offices and special support schools in the prefecture. The number of people with a score of 10 or more in the Criteria for Determining Severe Problem Behavior( CDSPB) and Behavior-Related Items was 182 and 144, respectively. This number was approximately 2.6 % of the population with intellectual disorders in the prefecture, more than double the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare estimate. Additionally, 14 (9.7%) subjects with a score of 10 or more in the CDSPB scored less than 10 points in Behavior-related Items. These 14 subjects had an average score of 12 points in the CDSPB and low scores for items such as “severe self-injury,”“severe injury to others,”“strong excretion-related disorders,”“significant hyperactivity,” and being “rough, fearful, and difficult to teach.” These findings highlight the risk of not providing such people behavioral support under the current support system. We used statistical methods to analyze data by age, gender, support category, comorbid diagnosis, type of residence, and type of behavioral problem to compare and discuss the results with international studies. This study highlighted the need for complete population and longitudinal surveys on severe behavioral disorders in different regions and the need for developing support policies at regional and national levels based on these surveys.</p>
- The Japanese Journal of Autistic Spectrum
The Japanese Journal of Autistic Spectrum 19 (2), 25-34, 2022-02-28
The Japanese Academy of Autistic Spectrum
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390576734221427328
- NII Book ID
- AA11918682
- 2434477X
- 13475932
- 032006001
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- Abstract License Flag
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