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  • ツウジョウ ノ ガッコウ ニ オケル ショウガク 1ネンセイ ニ タイスル ビジョントレーニング ノ トリクミ ト ソノ コウカ ニ ツイテ : シ キノウ ・ シカク ニンチ オヨビ ヨミ ノウリョク ノ ヘンカ オ トオシテ
  • Effects of Vision Training for First Grades of Elementary School in Regular Classes: Based on Changes of Visual Function and Reading Ability

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本研究は小学校2校の小学1年生(分析対象158名)への,通常の学級でのビジョントレーニングによる視機能・視覚認知の向上と読み能力の向上を明らかにすることを目的とした。眼球を動かすトレーニングを約半年間,週3日実施した。トレーニング前のURAWSS IIの結果を基に,分析対象を読字速度高群,平均群,低群に分け,3群ごとにトレーニング前後の視機能評価を比較した。学年全体の結果を見ると,トレーニング後は,固視,追従性眼球運動,跳躍性眼球運動,全ての視機能の項目で有意差が認められた。また,3群ごとの分析で,読字速度低群ではトレーニング前後で視機能評価項目で有意差が認められた。よって,トレーニング前後で,視機能・視覚認知と読み書き速度がそれぞれ向上した。今後,読み書きの関連を明らかにしながら,視機能・視覚認知の向上に向けたより効果的なトレーニングを検討することが必要である。

This study clarifies improvements in visual function and reading ability resulting from implementing vision training within regular classes of 158 first-grade students at two elementary schools. The training required participants to make eye movements; it was conducted 3 days a week over the course of approximately 6 months. The URAWSS II (Understanding Reading and Writing Skills of Schoolchildren II) scale was used to assess participants' reading and writing skills before implementing training. Accordingly, participants were divided into three groups based on their reading speed: fast, average, and slow. Participants' visual function was evaluated and compared before and after training for each of the three groups. After training, the results of the entire grade showed significant differences in terms of vision fixation, smooth pursuit eye movement, and saccadic eye movement, and all items relating to visual function. The three groups were analyzed separately; significant differences in terms of visual function before and after training were observed in the slow reading speed group. Thus, after the training, there were improvements in participants' visual function, reading speed, and writing speed. Future research must clarify the relationship between improvements in visual function alongside improvements in reading and writing and consider more effective training for improving visual function.


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