Break point analysis on the spread of mobile phone in 178 countries and regions

DOI Open Access

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Other Title
  • 世界178カ国・地域の携帯電話普及に関する構造変化点分析
  • —When is the acceleration year?—
  • ―グローバルな普及加速期の特定―


<p>This study aims to identify when the global spread of mobile phone began to accelerate in 178 countries and regions, classified into six groups (developed countries, ASEAN, transition countries, BRICS, African countries, and others). Many previous studies have investigated the global spread of information and communication technology (ICT), and its impact on the economy. However, they have not exactly revealed when the global spread of technology began to accelerate. Thus, we first observe the spread trajectory, and then conduct a break point analysis of the global spread of mobile phone. As a result, we found that 1997 was the average year when the penetration of mobile phone began to accelerate in developed countries. BRICS, transition countries, ASEAN, and African countries followed, and their average acceleration year was between 2002 to 2004. The estimated acceleration year in each group is almost identical to the year from “early adopters” to “early majority” based on Rogers' S curve. These findings can contribute to further analyses of the economic impact, estimating before and after the spread of mobile phone.</p>


  • Socio-Informatics

    Socio-Informatics 11 (2), 15-28, 2022-12-31

    The Society of Socio-Informatics

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    • KAKEN
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