超伝導体製作をin situ型教育に取り入れた試み


  • An Attempt at in situ Type Educational for Superconductor Production


Several tens of hours are required to mix and sinter powder materials to produce high-temperature superconductors. Therefore, it is challenging to use them as experimental subjects. For 110 K class bismuth (Bi) -based high-temperature superconductors, we specifically confirmed the superconductivity phenomenon when the mixing time was shortened. Next, the superconducting material contents of the electronic material were taken up twice during the lecture. The experiment, in which the powder material was mixed during the lecture, and the superconductor sample was cooled to the liquid nitrogen temperature, was performed. Elements of superconductor production and evaluation were incorporated into the lecture. The demonstration experiment during the lecture stimulated the motivation and interest of the students. This paper reports the preparation method of the proposed approach and the questionnaire results after execution.


  • 工学教育

    工学教育 71 (2), 2_135-2_140, 2023

    公益社団法人 日本工学教育協会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

