Current Analysis of Inter Household Ridesharing Trips at Gunma Prefecture

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  • 群馬県における世帯間車同乗トリップの現状分析


<p>The North Kanto region is the most advanced car society in Japan. In low density urban areas, transportation demand is widely and thinly distributed, and it is not efficient to provide transportation services by fixed and scheduled route public transportation. According to Gunma Prefecture person trip survey data, for the elderly and others who are unable to drive a car by themselves, pick up and drop off by car is an important means of transportation. This paper focuses on "an inter household ridesharing" in which residents of other households serve as drivers for the elderly as a means of daily transportation, and appropriate analytical methods using Person Trip survey data, as well as analysis focusing on driver's license and car ownership status and household composition. The purpose of this study is to understand how an inter household ridesharing supports the elderly who do not have free access to a car.</p>


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