Thermal stress analysis of massive precast concrete members produced with steam curing

  • Tsunoda Takaya
    (国研)土木研究所 先端材料資源研究センター
  • Sakuraba Hiroki
    (国研)土木研究所 先端材料資源研究センター
  • Koga Hirohisa
    (国研)土木研究所 先端材料資源研究センター
  • Takamatsu Yoshinori
  • Inoue Koichi

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Other Title
  • 蒸気養生を行って製造される大断面プレキャスト部材の温度応力解析


<p>A fundamental study was conducted to develop a thermal stress analysis method that can reproduce the temperature and deformation behavior of massive precast concrete subjected to steam curing. First, experiments were conducted on specimens manufactured using steam curing. Next, thermal stress analysis using finite element method was performed on these experiments to study the concrete temperature, strain behavior, and crack index. It was confirmed that the concrete temperature and strain behavior up to demolding were consistent with the experimental results. As for the crack index, it was confirmed that the time when the crack index reached its minimum differed depending on the thickness of the specimen and the ambient temperature.</p>


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