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  • STEM Education for a Creativity-Driven Society
  • ソウゾウセイ クドウガタ シャカイ ニ タイオウ シタ STEM キョウイク



We explain STEM education policies and budget measures in the United States, China, and Korea. Next, STEM education in elementary and secondary (K-12) education in the United States and Korea is summarized. We conclude with the development of STEM education in higher education around the world, using Purdue University and Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) as specific examples. Our research reveals that even in the last 5 years, STEM education has developed in many countries. The speed of this change has greatly surpassed that in Japan. There is a growing awareness of the importance of innovation education, and STEM education has become a good tool for this purpose. However, there is also a need to correct the gender bias in STEM education as well, and for society to recognize that STEM-educated graduates are endowed with value. In addition, there is no prototype for integrated STEM in universities, and many universities are currently conducting trials therefore setting up a standard curriculum model is a future challenge.



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