Ecosystem Approach in Subject Pedagogy: The Case of Mathematics

DOI Open Access

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Other Title
  • 教科教育学におけるエコシステム・アプローチ ―算数・数学科を例に―


In this paper, we take the case of mathematics and examine the needs to view, analyze, and evaluate the curriculum of the subject within the context of the educational ecosystem. The paper overviews that there is the curriculum expected by the stakeholders, the curriculum discussed by the teachers, etc. between the intended curriculum and the implemented curriculum in mathematics, and they interact with each other. As the ecosystem is rapidly renewing and growing, subject pedagogy is required to evaluate how subjects function within the system and to consider how to be involved in the system to improve the quality of each individual's learning, while taking advantage of the strengths of subject pedagogy and including the voices of students.


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    • KAKEN
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