试析戴遂良《汉语入门 第一卷》中的"前置词"


  • An Analysis on the "Prépositions" in Léon Wieger's Rudiments de parler chinois. 1er Volume



As a significant work on Ho-kien (河间) dialect of Chinese language, Léon Wieger's Rudiments de parler chinois shows us what Ho-kien dialect was likely appeared 100 years before. In the first volume of this series, the author explained the "the mechanism of the language" in 175 entries in total, and the entries 108 to 117 focused on explaining "prépositions". This thesis is going to use the "prépositions" part in Rudiments de parler chinois. 1er Volume to summarize Léon Wieger's points on prepositions, and by comparing with the other works, this paper is expected to get the following conclusion: the "prépositions" part in Rudiments de parler chinois. 1er Volume gave more details and richer corpus than its predecessors, but its origin is still French language, and its purpose is to find corresponding Chinese expressions. In fact, it nether reflected the nature of prepositions in Chinese, nor did it teach the readers how to use Chinese prepositions.



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