日本統治下台湾における新演劇興行の実態 : 明治三十八年台南座蜻蛉会の芝居番付より


  • Aspects of Shin-Engeki Producting in Taiwan During Japanese Rule From ten playbills of Kagero-kai at South Taiwan theater, 1905
  • ニホン トウチカ タイワン ニ オケル シン エンゲキ コウギョウ ノ ジッタイ メイジ 38ネン タイナンザ カゲロウカイ ノ シバイ バンヅケ ヨリ
  • ニホン トウチ カ タイワン ニ オケル シン エンゲキ コウギョウ ノ ジッタイ : メイジ サンジュウハチネン タイナンザトンボカイ ノ シバイ バンズケ ヨリ



Taiwan was a Japanese colony for 50 years from 1895 to 1945. During this period, various cultural activities were carried out by Japanese settler, including theatre performances such as Niwaka (俄), Naniwa-bushi (浪花節), Mizu-gei (水芸), Rakugo (落語), Joruri/Gidayu-bushi( 浄瑠璃、義太夫節), Kabuki( 歌舞伎), Authentic Drama/Sin-engeki/Sei-geki/Shin-pa (新演劇、正劇、新派) and etc. Especially, Shin-engeki has been fully researched by both Taiwanese and Japanese, as it’s related to the rise of the new theatre movement by the Taiwanese intelligentsia. However little of known about how Shin-engeki had been run before the production by Otojiro Kawakami(川上音二郎), who performed at Taiwan in 1911. The purpose of this paper is to explain the actual state affairs of Shin-Engeki production from ten playbills of Kagero-kai(蜻蛉会) at South Taiwan theater(台南座), 1905.




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